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    • Articles
  • Exploring Mental Health, LGBTQ+ History, Climate Change and Black History and Experiences through Into Film+
  • Three ways to make your classroom more inclusive

    26 Oct 2022 Written by Will Cannock
    Whether you’re a SEND lead, a class teacher or a one-to-one learning support assistant, the desire to ensure all children thrive permeates every aspect of the school day.
  • Technology to support deaf learners

    07 Oct 2022 Written by Fil McIntyre
    The number and range of technological options available to Deaf learners has significantly increased in recent years.
  • 5 EdTech Trends shaping Asia's Education in 2023

    13 Sep 2022 Dr Nanthaporn Prae Seributra
    For more than two years, we have seen a significant shift in technology in education due to the pandemic. Accelerated technology adoption brings new ways of learning at scale, and education pivots to ...
  • Explore one University’s rigorous approach to selecting a new LMS, which included quizzing global educators, inspecting other universities’ systems and trialling several different options.
  • Lifting the lid on school governance

    25 Aug 2022 By Al Kingsley
    Skills shortages are a concern in many industries across the UK right now. Healthcare, construction, farming, technology-based sectors and more are all struggling to recruit skilled people to fill vac ...
  • Preventing waste is high on most people’s agendas, and taking care of the planet’s precious resources is vital for all our futures. The organisation 2econd Chance addresses two of our most pressing is ...
  • Listen to experts Matt Wingfield, Chief Executive at The Assessment Association and Tom Dore, Education Director at British Esports Association to find out about skills in education. Matt Wingfield to ...
  • At Bett, we work in close partnership with our global community of educators, experts and thought leaders to inform our live and year-round digital content. Their guidance helps us to answer the core ...
  • A Climate of Change: Future Skills, EdTech & the SDGs

    22 Jun 2022 Dr Meryl Batchelder, Subject Leader for Science, Corbridge Middle School, Northumberland
    In collaboration with Twin Science To ensure the children in my classroom understand the concept of living sustainably, I have brought the UN Sustainable Development Goals into my lessons, linking all ...
  • "It is the first time the Bett Asia community has come together in Bangkok and I strongly believe that all participants will be able to see opportunities for further cooperation in the technological d ...
  • Jobs, skills, and the importance of learner choice

    13 Jun 2022 In partnership with Pearson
    Against the backdrop of COVID-19, the rate of change around us has accelerated – with changes in technology, industries, careers, learning, and lifestyles. The role of education and learning will rema ...
  • Why we need to teach sustainability in construction Meeting the challenges of climate change and decarbonisation is critical to every country in the world right now. In the UK, our buildings account f ...
  • According to the ONS, in 2021, 31% of UK tech jobs are held by women. A 2017 PWC UK survey of 2,000+ A-levels and university students shows that the gender gap in technology starts at school: only 27% ...
  • Transforming Pedagogy

    25 May 2022
    As institutions look to consolidate and rationalise their accelerated adoption of technology to enable teaching and learning, what does this mean for the future of pedagogy? This panel session gathers ...

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