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  • What is the future of work and learning?

    16 Apr 2021 Written by Joysy John, 01Founders
    Joysy John joins us on the Bett Community Hub to share her thoughts on the future of work and learning.
  • The GEC Manifesto for Education in Practice: Cl'udia Costin and Mark Sparvell

    09 Apr 2021 Written by Cláudia Costin, Getulio Vargas Foundation & Mark Sparvell, Microsoft
    As part of our ‘GEC Manifesto for Education in Practice’ article series, Cláudia Costin and Mark Sparvell explore the manifesto point: Universal access to technology should be part of every child’s ri ...
  • Don't let schooling interfere with your education

    26 Mar 2021 Written by Rhoda Pierpoint, Rivers CofE Academy Trust
    In this article Rhoda explains her tactics to keeping parents and carers engaged in their child’s education during challenging times.
  • Introducing TeacherSuitability: Selecting tomorrow's teachers

    12 Mar 2021 Written by Liz Maxwell and Rob Klassen, Teacher Selection
    The founders of the Teacher Selection Project explain their approach to recruitment and retention in a tumultuous time.
  • Unfettering the Curriculum: Liberating Curiosity

    19 Feb 2021 Written by Brendan Law, Director General, Misk Schools Riyadh
    Brendan Law puts forward the case for shifting the curriculum towards an approach that appraises emotional and social development alongside intellectual progress.
  • The GEC Manifesto for Education in Practice: Shared challenges, shared solutions

    18 Feb 2021 Written by Mark Sparvell, Director of Education Marketing, Microsoft
    A unity of purpose is necessary to ensure access to high quality education for all – particularly for learners in peril who lack physical safety and/or emotional wellbeing.
  • Online Teaching in the Time of Coronavirus

    11 Feb 2021 Written by Emma Pass, Google Innovator and Author of The Hybrid Teacher
    Emma Pass reviews her school’s approach to online teaching during the COVID-19 crisis.
  • Contingency Planning: Our strategic self-review for remote and hybrid learning

    12 Apr 2020 Written by Elle Monaghan, Content Producer, Bett
    Despite the desire to return to the classroom, all schools need to develop a robust contingency plan should closure be required again in the future.
  • How the University of D.C. is working to close the digital divide

    27 Nov 2020 Written by Microsoft Education Team
    The digital divide has been a defining challenge of the COVID-19 crisis. In this article Microsoft explores how one instruction has made waves in its approach to equity.
  • How to give literacy a boost with music

    11 Jun 2020 Written by Dr Anne Margaret Smith, Founder, ELT well
    Many children have spent the last few months locked down after the school gates closed because of the COVID-19 pandemic. In September, as students filter back into school, there will be those who have ...
  • Should you go to University? Advice for students and parents

    30 Oct 2020 Written by Raya Bidshahri, Awecademy
    In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, there are an increasing number of students asking “should I go to university?” And unfortunately, for the vast majority of these young minds, their parents and t ...
  • Never mind jobs of the future there is an employment crisis for today's graduates

    22 Oct 2020 Cameron Mirza, Director, Global Careers Accelerators and Advisory Board Member for Bett MEA
    Career Services must be reimagined to become more strategic, data-informed, dynamic, and insightful to give students and parents the appropriate guidance and support needed to pivot and navigate throu ...
  • 21st Century Learning Skills and Strategies

    19 Oct 2020 Written by Lakshmi Annapurna Chintaluri, Independent Education Consultant
    Lakshmi Annapurna Chintaluri explores the strategies that can help students to be active learners, develop thinking skills and solve problems.
  • Disruptions and opportunities: Navigating hybrid education

    02 Oct 2020 Barbara Holzapfel, GM Education, Microsoft
    Barbara Holzapfel from Microsoft discusses the three phases that learning institutions are navigating to move education systems to a successful and sustainable hybrid model.
  • 3 tips for helping students learn anywhere

    04 Sep 2020 Written by the Microsoft Education Team
    Preparing for an uncertain back-to-school environment can be unsettling but Microsoft Education are working to ensure that educators around the world have the tools they need to make their online or i ...
  • No New Normal ' Debunking COVID-19 Myths in Higher Education

    30 Jul 2020 By Hugh Martin, Registrar and Chief Administrative Officer, British University in Dubai
    Hugh Martin, Registrar and Chief Administrative Officer at the British University in Dubai, explains why we should stop using the phrase ‘the new normal’ and stay optimistic about the future of the HE ...

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