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  • My brother Professor Jason Arday and the AI generation

    06 Jun 2024 by Joe Arday MBCS FRSA FCCT
    Joe Arday, educator and brother of Bett 2024 keynote speaker Jason Arday, reflects on his brother's speech and how AI In education needs to be more diverse.
  • The United Nations' latest Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Progress Report flags that progress on more than 50% of the 2030 targets is “weak and insufficient; on 30% has stalled or gone into reve ...
  • Bett UK 2024 brought 30,000 educational professionals from 129 countries to explore the latest in education together.
  • Bridging the tech gap

    24 Nov 2023
    Which students fall on the wrong side of the digital divide, and what can be done to support them?
  • With more than 100 humanitarian crises around the world in 2023 alone, children’s education is taking a terrible hit. Can EdTech help to fill in the learning gaps and support better futures?
  • How does the call for later school start times reflect a growing shift in attitudes to education?
  • Lenovo’s ESG commitments aim to fuse education, environmental responsibility, and innovation with a mission to redefine what it means to be a tech company in today’s world.
  • Smart educators invest in impact – so what should you consider before buying EdTech?
  • Renowned education expert Prof Dr Ger Graus explains what the theme of Bett Asia means to him, and what technology’s role could be in transforming minds.
  • The theoretics of artificial intelligence and its implications for the world are being hotly debated right now. But this article isn’t about that. This is about the opportunities - and the challenges ...
  • Looking through the digital lens: Leading People, Digital and Culture

    10 Aug 2023 Katie Johnson, Association for Learning Technology
    In the year of fragmentation on social media and the advent of AI tools in education, the UK’s leading professional body brings the #altc community together to look through the digital lens
  • Improving equity through tech in Malaysia

    27 Jun 2023 Written by: Emily Colyer, Senior Content Producer, Bett
    At a recent Bett Asia roadshow, Malaysia’s education leaders shared how they are using transformative tech to level the education playing field.
  • What skills can esports helps students develop, and how can you make the most of this inclusive sport?
  • Updated guidance from the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO)
  • Non-profit consortium calls for educators to sign global pledge at Bett
  • What to expect in Bett Futures this year

    24 Mar 2023 Written by Dave Smith, Head of Content, BESA
    Since the inception of the Bett Futures Zone I have always been magnetically drawn to go and find out what is on offer.

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