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Bett Articles

  • Bett Content Format
    • Articles
  • Themes
    • Innovation
    • Leadership
  • An unsuspecting catalyst for much needed change

    19 Mar 2021 Written by Michelle Thomas, Director of Education, SRS
    Michelle Thomas from SRS explores how her school ensured that digital technology is a central consideration in all areas of curriculum and assessment delivery.
  • Connectivity is the backbone to ensuring equality of access to education

    19 Mar 2021 Written by Sir Tim Berners-Lee and Co-founder Rosemary Leith, World Wide Web Foundation
    Who better to illustrate point four of the Global Education Council Manifesto for Education than Web inventor Sir Tim Berners-Lee and Web Foundation Co-founder Rosemary Leith.
  • The acceleration of hybrid learning for higher-ed students and faculty

    12 Mar 2021 Written by Barbara Holzapfel, Microsoft Education
    As higher education leaders work with instructional designers and professors to reimagine courses and fine-tune pedagogy, students and faculty agree that the pandemic has transformed education
  • Introducing TeacherSuitability: Selecting tomorrow's teachers

    12 Mar 2021 Written by Liz Maxwell and Rob Klassen, Teacher Selection
    The founders of the Teacher Selection Project explain their approach to recruitment and retention in a tumultuous time.
  • The GEC Manifesto for Education in Practice: Eric C Abrams

    05 Mar 2021 Written by Eric C Abrams, Stanford University Graduate School of Education
    We must support vulnerable children and communities who do not have equitable access to education to reduce the widening equity gap.
  • Beyond the Black Mirror of Education: Key Drivers to Create a Vibrant Digital Learning Environment

    03 May 2021 Written by Linda Parsons, Deira International School
    We hear from the winner of ISC’s Digital Transformation Award creating engaging learning environments.
  • As the world changes, why isn't assessment keeping up?

    26 Feb 2021 Written by Stefanie Leong, Asia-Pacific International Baccalaureate Organization
    Innovation continues to dominate education technology in almost every area except one. Why are examinations and assessments being left out of the ongoing progress of change?
  • Into Film: Filmmaking Feature

    26 Feb 2021 Written by: Into Film Blog Team
    Into Film is a charity that puts film at the heart of the educational and personal development of children and young people, and engages with over half of UK schools.
  • Top tips for school leaders to develop resilience and mental wellbeing within your staff team

    28 Apr 2020 Written by Kerry Hill from Eyres Monsell Primary School. Follow her @EyresMonsellPri
    1. Create a positive culture The key to a mindful and resilient culture is its prominence and embedding across the whole school. Ensure you reinforce through the school environment, policies and pract ...
  • Unfettering the Curriculum: Liberating Curiosity

    19 Feb 2021 Written by Brendan Law, Director General, Misk Schools Riyadh
    Brendan Law puts forward the case for shifting the curriculum towards an approach that appraises emotional and social development alongside intellectual progress.
  • The ultimate guide to creating a school marketing plan: 10 key considerations

    11 Feb 2021 Written by Sally Alexander, Ambleglow
    Sally breaks down the 10 key considerations you should keep in mind when creating an effective school marketing plan.
  • Online Teaching in the Time of Coronavirus

    11 Feb 2021 Written by Emma Pass, Google Innovator and Author of The Hybrid Teacher
    Emma Pass reviews her school’s approach to online teaching during the COVID-19 crisis.
  • Take a Stand

    02 May 2021 Written by Kevin Simpson, Founder of KDSL Global and AIELOC
    Kevin Simpson explains why it is time for the education sector to take a stand in supporting black voices.
  • The GEC Manifesto for Education in Practice: Prof Dr Ger Graus OBE

    04 Feb 2021 Written by Prof Dr Ger Graus OBE
    As part of our ‘GEC Manifesto for Education in Practice’ article series, Prof Dr Ger Graus OBE explores the manifesto point: Global radical transformation in education is possible and it starts with t ...
  • Dealing with something completely different: How further and higher education leaders responded to the unexpected

    29 Jan 2021 Written by Peter Wolstencroft, Leanne de Main and Paul Cashian
    How did the further and higher education sector react to the pandemic and what lessons have we have learned from 2020?
  • Safeguarding in Education: The critical synergy between educators, data and technology

    15 Jan 2021 Written by Martin Baker QPM, CEO – One Team Logic, the makers of MyConcern®
    Martin Baker breaks down how educators can best work with data and technology.

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