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Bett Articles

  • Themes
    • Inclusion
  • The Teaching of English During a Global Pandemic

    27 May 2021 Written by Sian Collinson, The Literacy Company
    The landscape of teaching has changed greatly over the last year. In this article, Sian Collinson explores where we go from here.
  • Three ways to make your classroom more inclusive

    26 Oct 2022 Written by Will Cannock
    Whether you’re a SEND lead, a class teacher or a one-to-one learning support assistant, the desire to ensure all children thrive permeates every aspect of the school day.
  • Unconscious bias in teaching

    07 Mar 2020 Penny Rabiger on behalf of the BAMEed Network
    The BAMEed Network have witnessed a surge of interest from schools, multi academy trusts and individual teachers seeking to tackle racism. In order to show us how to start the conversation, Penny Rabi ...
  • Universal Design for Learning, or UDL, is an approach that takes as its starting point an inclusive philosophy which postulates that if design considers everybody from the start - regardless of abilit ...
  • Preventing waste is high on most people’s agendas, and taking care of the planet’s precious resources is vital for all our futures. The organisation 2econd Chance addresses two of our most pressing is ...
  • What does 'build back better' mean in the context of educating the world's children post-Covid-19?

    04 Sep 2020 Written by: Anna Riggall, Head of Research, Education Development Trust
    A few months into global lockdown, at the peak of mass school closures in most countries, and on the brink of an economic crisis on a scale the world has possibly never seen, we have started talking a ...
  • What does ‘build back better' mean in the context of educating the world's children

    25 Sep 2020 Written by: Anna Riggall, Head of Research, Education Development Trust
    A few months into global lockdown, at the peak of mass school closures in most countries, and on the brink of an economic crisis on a scale the world has possibly never seen, we have started talking a ...
  • What is the future of work and learning?

    16 Apr 2021 Written by Joysy John, 01Founders
    Joysy John joins us on the Bett Community Hub to share her thoughts on the future of work and learning.
  • In the first episode, we are looking at Inclusion and Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND).  We look at those working across teaching, learning and research supporting those with special ...
  • This week we are looking at SEND and Neurodiversity, specifically;  Personal stories and frustrations  Hopes for change across policy, technology, and education  And, resources and tools for all liste ...
  • Our second episode is "What Matters in EdTech Middle East and Africa" which invites guests working in the region, to explore some of the particular opportunities and challenges of education locally. W ...

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