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    • Articles
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    • Microsoft
    • Leadership
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  • The GEC Manifesto for Education in Practice: Ilse Howling and Dr Mary Ashun

    25 Jun 2021 Ilse Howling, Chairman, Education Development Trust , Dr Mary Ashun, Principal, Ghana International School
    As part of our ‘GEC Manifesto for Education in Practice’ article series, Ilse Howling and Dr Mary Ashun highlight the importance of supporting teachers to secure the future of education.
  • The GEC Manifesto for Education in Practice: Lord Jim Knight

    11 Jun 2021 Lord Jim Knight, Director of Suklaa Ltd and former UK minister for schools, digital and employment
    Bett Global Education Council member Lord Jim Knight makes the case for rethinking how adult skills are funded and delivered.
  • The GEC Manifesto for Education in Practice: Raya Bidshahri

    20 May 2021 Written by Raya Bidshahri, Founder & CEO, School of Humanity
    As part of our ‘GEC Manifesto for Education in Practice’ article series, Raya Bidshahri makes a case for exploring alternative models of education during times of navigating disruption.
  • Craig Smith from Jamf shares the results of the Inspire Learning Project, which took place in partnership with the Scottish Borders Council.
  • Navigating disruption: Spotlight on social-emotional learning

    14 May 2021 Written by Barbara Holzapfel, Microsoft
    Barbara joins us on the hub to discuss how the social-emotional aspect of learning has come into the spotlight in schools.
  • The GEC Manifesto for Education in Practice: Vikas Pota

    07 May 2021 Written by: Vikas Pota, Founder, T4 Education
    As part of our ‘GEC Manifesto for Education in Practice’ article series, Vikas Pota discusses important considerations for partnerships to drive the future of education.
  • Collaboration is the Key: An EdTech Journey

    05 Jul 2021 Written by: Joseph Fielder and Natalie Pearce, Branfil Primary School
    How the EdTech Demonstrator Programme and Joint Practice Development helped our school tackle the challenges of moving to remote learning
  • Students as Assistive Technology Experts: The Technology Advocate role at Barton Peveril

    29 Apr 2021 Written by Laura Stephens, Barton Peveril Sixth Form College
    Laura Stephens joins us on the Bett Community Hub to discuss her college’s approach to student technology advocates.
  • The GEC Manifesto for Education in Practice: Jose Papa

    23 Apr 2021 Jose Papa, Chairman, Bett Global Education Council
    Schools are communities not just buildings or processes
  • I want you to panic!

    22 Apr 2021 Written by Melanie Harwood, eduCCate Global
    In a special Earth Day article, Melanie Harwood breaks down the importance of teaching climate action.
  • What is the future of work and learning?

    16 Apr 2021 Written by Joysy John, 01Founders
    Joysy John joins us on the Bett Community Hub to share her thoughts on the future of work and learning.
  • The GEC Manifesto for Education in Practice: Cl'udia Costin and Mark Sparvell

    09 Apr 2021 Written by Cláudia Costin, Getulio Vargas Foundation & Mark Sparvell, Microsoft
    As part of our ‘GEC Manifesto for Education in Practice’ article series, Cláudia Costin and Mark Sparvell explore the manifesto point: Universal access to technology should be part of every child’s ri ...
  • Leading schools remotely: the principles of successful virtual meetings

    26 Mar 2021 Written by Dr Terry McAdams, Branksome Hall Asia
    Dr Terry McAdams explains how you can create high-quality virtual meetings in order to innovate quickly, adapt to rapid changes, and solve problems more effectively.
  • An unsuspecting catalyst for much needed change

    19 Mar 2021 Written by Michelle Thomas, Director of Education, SRS
    Michelle Thomas from SRS explores how her school ensured that digital technology is a central consideration in all areas of curriculum and assessment delivery.
  • The acceleration of hybrid learning for higher-ed students and faculty

    12 Mar 2021 Written by Barbara Holzapfel, Microsoft Education
    As higher education leaders work with instructional designers and professors to reimagine courses and fine-tune pedagogy, students and faculty agree that the pandemic has transformed education
  • Introducing TeacherSuitability: Selecting tomorrow's teachers

    12 Mar 2021 Written by Liz Maxwell and Rob Klassen, Teacher Selection
    The founders of the Teacher Selection Project explain their approach to recruitment and retention in a tumultuous time.

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