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  • Stories to tell ' 12 tips to make storytelling an adventure again

    05 Jun 2020 Zsuzsanna Papp, psychologist and mother of three, for the BOOKR Class blog @BOOKR_Kids
    The lockdown has brought an unforeseen challenge - how to entertain children when leaving the house is not an option. Here are 12 tips to engage kids simply by varying how we tell stories.
  • The rise of AI and robots ' how do we start learning?

    05 Jun 2020 Jerry Tan, Managing Director, Lattel Robotics
    Robot pickers in a warehouse in the United States, UV disinfecting robots in Singapore malls – the unprecedented Covid-19 crisis has seen the increasing dominance of artificial intelligence (AI) and r ...
  • Spotlight on Estonia

    28 May 2020 Kristel Mositus, Estonia Government (Education)
    Take a look at how Estonia are coping in the current climate and how they are making their education stand out
  • Best Practice for Long Distance Reading Instruction

    28 May 2020 Miguel Melendez and Brian Knuth from Scholastic
    As personal interaction with students is curtailed, it is critical that educators enact strategies that compensate for the interactivity of the classroom
  • Team Teacherly share their thoughts on the future models of education post COVID-19.
  • Strong demand for devices in Q1 has created concerns around inventory and replenishment globally
  • How can we use AI ethically in education?

    15 May 2020 Mark S. Steed, Principal and CEO of Kellett School, the British School in Hong Kong @independenthead
    Four risks that we need to consider
  • Lessons in Distance Learning

    07 May 2020 Jon Scott, Teacher and Education Technology Consultant
    The skills educators have learned in lockdown will profoundly affect future practice
  • Flipping failure: 3 ways technology gets it right when learners get it wrong

    07 May 2020 Heather Abela, Learning by Questions
    Build confidence and resilience in students by employing techniques that show the progress they are making as individuals. After all, there’s no better position to travel in than the driving seat.
  • The Long Read: Global Edtech Landscape - The Next Generation Learning Lifecycle

    01 May 2020 Rohan Roberts, Head of Future Learning, GEMS Education and Director, Dubai Science Festival
    Analysing the Next Generation Learning Lifecycle: Create, Manage, Discover, Connect, Experience, Learn, Credential, Advance.
  • Every school has its own challenges and is on its own, unique journey when it comes to digital strategy and change management. London CLC’s impartial guide can help.
  • How to build a chatbot for your school in less than an hour

    05 Jan 2020 Brooke Gleason, Senior Business Development Manager, Amazon Web Services Worldwide
    Your students have questions and you want to get them answers quickly and easily. With the rise in remote learning and education, virtual solutions such as chatbots are one way to make information ava ...
  • Your School Online ' Key considerations for school leadership

    14 Apr 2020 David Whyley, EdTech leader
    For everyone in leadership positions in the school sector, the current pandemic has posed significant challenges.  
  • How the Pandemic Might Hack Higher Education

    14 Apr 2020 Cameron Mirza, MENA Director, Nottingham Trent University, UAE
    The global outbreak of Covid 19 has seen unprecedented measures taken by nations to protect human life, to keep economies afloat and to ensure that education systems are still able to function and stu ...
  • As more classrooms take on a digital space or go fully virtual, a variety of approaches in presenting media—especially video—can help keep the classroom feeling fresh, interactive, and dynamic. Bree F ...
  • Effectiveness of Online Classes

    31 Mar 2020 Prof Ergun Akgun
    Increase the efficiency and effectiveness of your online classes  The mandatory digital transformation in education has resulted in institutions quickly having to adapt to new technologies and conditi ...

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