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Lockdown has prompted us all to readdress our relationship with our own wellbeing and its intersection with technology. For young people, where the lines between socialising and technology are particu ...
Due to lockdowns and the increase of online learning, health and wellness has become a priority, yet it is often neglected. Staying indoors, a lack of fresh air, staring at screens, and sitting for lo ...
There’s no doubt that maintaining teacher well-being is vital. Not only for our own mental health, but for that of our families and the pupils we care for. School closures as a result of the global pa ...
Originally posted on Place2Be’s blog. Follow @Place2Be Coronavirus is all over the news right now, so it’s understandable that many children, and adults, are anxious about the virus and how it could i ...
Children all over the UK are accessing learning portals, the internet, online classes. But for many children whose additional educational needs mean that they are unable to access the world of online ...
1. Create a positive culture The key to a mindful and resilient culture is its prominence and embedding across the whole school. Ensure you reinforce through the school environment, policies and pract ...
Teaching is an incredibly tough job – and now, it seems that not teaching is also very challenging! Over the last couple of months the world has changed for all of us. Schools have closed to the maj ...
Brendan Law puts forward the case for shifting the curriculum towards an approach that appraises emotional and social development alongside intellectual progress.
Dr. Sadie Hollins joins us on the hub to explore how we can use 'the power of the group' to help students navigate uncertainty.
A unity of purpose is necessary to ensure access to high quality education for all – particularly for learners in peril who lack physical safety and/or emotional wellbeing.
In this article we revisit Bruce’s presentation at BettFest to explore how we can unlock our imagination and build resilience in our communities.
Sally breaks down the 10 key considerations you should keep in mind when creating an effective school marketing plan.
Emma Pass reviews her school’s approach to online teaching during the COVID-19 crisis.
In response to the January 2021 lockdown measures, SWGfL are offering support to schools and the wider community by offering two of their products free of charge whilst restrictions are in place.
Kevin Simpson explains why it is time for the education sector to take a stand in supporting black voices.
As part of our ‘GEC Manifesto for Education in Practice’ article series, Prof Dr Ger Graus OBE explores the manifesto point: Global radical transformation in education is possible and it starts with t ...