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  • My brother Professor Jason Arday and the AI generation

    06 Jun 2024 by Joe Arday MBCS FRSA FCCT
    Joe Arday, educator and brother of Bett 2024 keynote speaker Jason Arday, reflects on his brother's speech and how AI In education needs to be more diverse.
  • Tech funding available to support STEM based learning
  • Mapping the EdTech Ecosystem

    10 Jan 2024 Written by the Beth Havinga, Managing Director at European EdTech Alliance
    An early glimpse into the results from the EEA's European EdTech Map Report 2024
  • Strategically embracing technology across universities is necessary for their enduring success.
  • Dan’s session at Bett 2023 was one of our busiest ever! Read on to find out why.
  • Michael Rosen: Rethinking education for today's world

    04 Jan 2023 Written by the Bett Content Team
    We’re delighted to welcome Michael Rosen to Bett 2023! We sat down with him to explore learning, the importance of creativity and solving today’s problems through education.
  • A report based on insights from Human Resources leaders across Asia Pacific reveals proficiency in English is a desired skill in current and potential talent. However, companies are lacking the learni ...
  • "It is the first time the Bett Asia community has come together in Bangkok and I strongly believe that all participants will be able to see opportunities for further cooperation in the technological d ...
  • Come and join us on Thursday 23 June at 16:00 (BST), for an exciting Bett Academy in partnership with Intel!
  • By Dr Neelam Parmar, Director of Digital Learning and Education, AISL Harrow Schools The metaverse has generated a lot of buzz and as educators, we know that not all buzz is relevant in our learning s ...
  • What does it take to create the future? Eduardo will share the key ingredients: the mindsets, habits, and cultures to make the world a better place. A growth mindset, the belief that we can change and ...
  • Microsoft Education tools that supported learning in 2021

    20 Jan 2022 By Microsoft Education Team
    Microsoft looks back on what resources changed the game for teaching and learning in 2021.
  • In this day and age, it’s difficult to overstate how integral network connectivity has become to the contemporary university experience – coursework is uploaded digitally, handouts downloaded, reading ...
  • Mindfulness: Does it fit my school culture?

    27 May 2021 Gift Nisanart Dharmageisirattana, The American School of Bangkok Green Valley
    Gift Nisanart Dharmageisirattana shares how her school has implemented mindfulness practice for all stakeholders within their community.
  • What we’re hearing very clearly from teachers are concerns around the challenge of planning for different bubbles – children in school, children in school and at home, and a likely proportion of child ...

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