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  • Looking through the digital lens: Leading People, Digital and Culture

    10 Aug 2023 Katie Johnson, Association for Learning Technology
    In the year of fragmentation on social media and the advent of AI tools in education, the UK’s leading professional body brings the #altc community together to look through the digital lens
  • Learning from what works

    30 Aug 2022 in collaboration with Microsoft
    Hear our Microsoft Showcase school leaders discuss their strategies to prepare and engage learners for the future. Microsoft Showcase Schools are exemplars of how to build community, foster innovation ...
  • Lifting the lid on school governance

    25 Aug 2022 By Al Kingsley
    Skills shortages are a concern in many industries across the UK right now. Healthcare, construction, farming, technology-based sectors and more are all struggling to recruit skilled people to fill vac ...
  • Brian Taylor talks to Emily Colyer After three years, global edtech events series Bett is returning to Asia, with Bett Asia 2022 taking place on 11th and 12th October for the first time in Bangkok. In ...
  • This March, in response to emphatic demand from the Higher Education community, we were delighted to deliver the first-ever Ahead by Bett.
  • Lost in the virtual world

    01 Jul 2021 Written by Piet Jansen, Yes We Can Youth Clinics Team
    Piet Jansen delves into the modern phenomenon of teenagers and young adults getting lost into the virtual world.
  • Lessons will be learned: Transforming safeguarding in education

    29 Apr 2021 Written by Martin Baker and Mike Glanville
    One Team Logic join us on the hub to discuss their new book which sets out how school and college staff can manage complex safeguarding responsibilities.
  • Leading schools remotely: the principles of successful virtual meetings

    26 Mar 2021 Written by Dr Terry McAdams, Branksome Hall Asia
    Dr Terry McAdams explains how you can create high-quality virtual meetings in order to innovate quickly, adapt to rapid changes, and solve problems more effectively.
  • Learning Renewed: A safe way to reopen schools in the Global South

    20 Nov 2020 Written by Tony McAleavy, Education Development Trust
    In this report the Education Development Trust discusses how governments can reopen schools more safely and improve learning outcomes for vulnerable children.
  • Lessons in Distance Learning

    07 May 2020 Jon Scott, Teacher and Education Technology Consultant
    The skills educators have learned in lockdown will profoundly affect future practice
  • Every school has its own challenges and is on its own, unique journey when it comes to digital strategy and change management. London CLC’s impartial guide can help.
  • Tom Moore and Andy Ball explain how, with the right tools in place, investing in your staff's CPD can help you to create a learning culture that will support you in remaining compliant, create a great ...

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