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  • What does it take to create the future? Eduardo will share the key ingredients: the mindsets, habits, and cultures to make the world a better place. A growth mindset, the belief that we can change and ...
  • Prepare learners for tomorrow through curiosity, engagement and real-world experiences. In this session a primary school will provide a deep dive into how digital technologies such as video, imagery, ...
  • More than 50% of school teachers indicated that there has been a dramatic learning loss. Both in academic learning and social emotional progress due to Covid 19 shifting instruction from in class to d ...
  • Imagine classrooms where students are excited and engaged in learning. Learning spaces that are flexible, collaborative, equitable, healthy, and inspiring. Find out from our Showcase Schools how Micro ...
  • It's 2032. We are looking back, ten years to be exact, on the most interesting years education has ever known. That was the time when media literacy became increasingly higher on the agenda: - Apps li ...
  • Learn from Greenwood Academies Trust how to collaborate with Microsoft to elevate innovation and digital transformation in your school.
  • Brian Taylor talks to Emily Colyer After three years, global edtech events series Bett is returning to Asia, with Bett Asia 2022 taking place on 11th and 12th October for the first time in Bangkok. In ...
  • Educators need easy to access resources which allow them to successfully support their most vulnerable students and empower both them and their colleagues to know how to manage difficult emotions. Thi ...
  • Listen what Phil Birchinall - Senior Director of Immersive Content, Discovery Education thinks about implementing innovations in classrooms
  • Lego explore cultivating a growth mindset and how to instil a lifelong love of learning in students.
  • By Beth Havinga, Managing Director of the European EdTech Alliance   Current Situation  In the middle of February, I was packing my bags to leave on a long trip with my two small daughters, full of ex ...
  • By Alfred Cardona, Head of Learning and Quality, Croydon College  For digital natives, for gen X, Y and Z and for gen Alpha, digital just simply is. Community is built on it.   Construction depends on ...
  • By Dr Neelam Parmar, Director of Digital Learning and Education, AISL Harrow Schools The metaverse has generated a lot of buzz and as educators, we know that not all buzz is relevant in our learning s ...
  • Bett is proud to present an all-new limited podcast series focusing on skills, curated in collaboration with Sophie Bailey, Founder of The Edtech Podcast, and Bett Global Skills Partner Pearson. In th ...

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