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  • Gen Z is lonelier, more anxious and more depressed. What can educators, institutions and parents do to help?
  • Robots have immense promise as educational aides. We offer a glimpse into the mechanical marvels which may be fixtures in innovative classrooms in the future.
  • In a world embattled by geopolitical unrest, the migration crisis and climate change, we need changemakers more than ever. Youthtopia founder Melati Wijsen explores how we empower our young people for ...
  • Ahead of our session 'Empowering agency and expertise for EdTech futures' we take a deeper dive into how digital learning and teaching professions are changing.
  • Involving students in the debate around digital technology in Higher Education increases the chance of a positive impact.
  • How to Develop a Sustainable, Self-Improving IT Strategy

    12 Jan 2023 Jim Wallis, Head of UKI Market, Promethean
    ‘Nurturing the talent of tomorrow’ runs through the very heart of The Romero Catholic Academy. This family of one secondary and seven primary schools offers a seamless learning journey for children ag ...
  • According to the ONS, in 2021, 31% of UK tech jobs are held by women. A 2017 PWC UK survey of 2,000+ A-levels and university students shows that the gender gap in technology starts at school: only 27% ...
  • How can school leaders better support staff wellbeing?

    08 Feb 2022 Written by Helen Chapman
    New survey shows rising workload concerns and a sharp drop in confidence of school staff during COVID-19. So what can schools do to help?
  • How Staff Wellbeing is the key to a Successful School

    26 Feb 2021 Written by Kerry Hill, Eyres Monsell Primary School
     In this article we hear from Kerry Hill, who has embedded mental health and wellbeing as a golden thread throughout her school.
  • How should schools be making the best use of their data?

    18 Dec 2020 Richard Selfridge, Databusting for Schools
    Richard Selfridge asks how schools can take a more strategic approach to data.
  • How am I doing with managing my team remotely? Reflection questions for managers

    06 Dec 2020 Joanne Miles, Coach, Consultant and Trainer in the UK Further Education sector
    Joanne Miles shares some questions for managers to think about or discuss, to support that reflective process during remote learning.
  • How the University of D.C. is working to close the digital divide

    27 Nov 2020 Written by Microsoft Education Team
    The digital divide has been a defining challenge of the COVID-19 crisis. In this article Microsoft explores how one instruction has made waves in its approach to equity.
  • How can digital communities support the development of whole school positive mental health?

    12 Nov 2020 Written by Liz Robson-Kelly, Managing Director Worth-it Positive Education CIC
    Liz breaks down how digital communities can support a whole school system for positive mental health.
  • This whitepaper by ISC Research compares the crises weathered by the international schools market in the past with the new challenges presented by COVID-19. Whilst many international schools have plan ...
  • The esports industry is opening up new and exciting possibilities for future employment.
  • In a world that is becoming more technological, the need to equip younger generations with the skills to drive innovation in technology has never been greater.

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