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Global Education Council



The Global Education Council is a driving force of visionaries from some of the world’s biggest global brands and educational institutions who are setting the tone of education globally. Together with our Chairman, Jose Papa, the Council will lead global education innovation transformation while shaping the world’s education ecosystem.

The future of education

At Bett 2020 and for the first time, our very own Global Education Council reunited on stage to share their vision on the future of education.


Interviews with the GEC

Find our from Bett's Global Education Council, discussing the Classroom of 2030 and most pressing issues in the world of education.

Hear from or GEC memebers

They discuss the things that matter

GEC members highlight how each of the manifesto areas is being actualised and explore how we can secure and drive education for all.  You can also learn more about our GEC members when we are 'in conversation with...' to hear about their thoughts on the future of education.

Take a look

Meet the members


Jose Papa

Bett Global Education Council

Trace Academia



Founder and Director
Center for Excellence and Innovation in Education Policies from Getulio Vargas Foundation

Eric C

Eric Abrams

Chief Inclusion Officer
Stanford University Graduate School of Education

GEC Manifesto

The Global Education Council believes:

  • Global radical transformation in education is possible and it starts with the belief that everyone has the potential to learn.
  • A unity of purpose is necessary to ensure access to high quality education for all – particularly for learners in peril who lack physical safety and/or emotional wellbeing.
  • We must support vulnerable children and communities who do not have equitable access to education to reduce the widening equity gap.
  • Connectivity is the backbone to ensuring equality of access therefore, once children have clean water and enough to eat, free internet access should be available to all.
  • Universal access to technology should be part of every child’s right to education.
  • Schools are communities not just buildings or processes.
  • Partnership is vital – collaboration between Governments and collaboration between the State, NGOs and the private sector. It is critical though that relevant agents within the private sector promote forward-thinking public policies that connect the right initiatives to where they are most needed.
  • These extremely challenging times give us an opportunity to explore alternative paths at an exponential rate and it is our responsibility to implement and apply such learnings at scale.
  • Teachers have a vital role and their contribution is more important now than ever.  Investing in the skills and systems to support them with a learning focused, adaptive mindset must be a top priority.
  • Adult skills, technical and vocational training need to be rethought to create a workforce that can take us forward.

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