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Bett Articles

  • What Technology do Schools in Africa REALLY want?

    25 Jun 2024 Written by David Marriott, CEO & Founder of Ubuntu Education
    Our efforts to close the global education gap using technology is seeing a widening of the gap instead. Where are we going wrong?
  • Understanding and utilising the Dyslexia Map: A resource for educators and parents

    21 Jun 2024 by Dr. Martin Bloomfield, Associate Trainer, York Associates
    The Dyslexia Map is a comprehensive Google Map designed to catalogue dyslexia associations and resources globally.
  • It’s no secret that students use AI, and it’s sometimes encouraged - but does it mean they’re losing the power of critical thinking?
  • My brother Professor Jason Arday and the AI generation

    06 Jun 2024 by Joe Arday MBCS FRSA FCCT
    Joe Arday, educator and brother of Bett 2024 keynote speaker Jason Arday, reflects on his brother's speech and how AI In education needs to be more diverse.
  • Robots have immense promise as educational aides. We offer a glimpse into the mechanical marvels which may be fixtures in innovative classrooms in the future.
  • 2024 Bett speaker, Sam Smith, shares how universities can do more to support students who may be at risk of suicide.
  • The missing piece in online safeguarding: suicide prevention

    04 Apr 2024 by Sam Smith and Elena Yaneva, R;pple Suicide Prevention
    Trigger Warning: Suicide This article contains discussions and references to suicide. Reader discretion is advised.   2024 Bett speaker, Sam Smith, shares how universities can do more to support stude ...
  • Using tech to enhance and enable educators, not replace them!

    27 Mar 2024 Created in partnership with Dr. Neelam Parmar - AISL Harrow Schools
    Here's our expert advice on how to make sure the connections between educators and solution providers made at Bett don't end after the show.
  • Bett UK 2024 brought 30,000 educational professionals from 129 countries to explore the latest in education together.
  • Six steps to nurture future female leaders from the classroom

    06 Mar 2024 By Laura Tristram, Founder, Lumii
    In thinking about this year's International Women's Day theme, 'Fostering Inclusive Inspiration,' I took time to reflect on women's leadership progress.
  • AI learns from past mistakes, and so must we

    28 Feb 2024 by Kay Firth-Butterfield, CEO, Good Tech Advisory
    Bett 2024 keynote speaker Kay Firth-Butterfield was recently named by Time Magazine as one of only four people recognised for their impact on AI. Here the CEO of Good Tech Advisory LLC reflects on the ...
  • Five action points to address pupil anxiety

    27 Feb 2024 by Rachel Bostwick, Senior Partnership and Enterprise Consultant, Carnegie School of Education at Leeds Beckett University
    If a child says, “this week's maths homework is difficult”, they may need some additional support but there is likely little cause of concern.
  • As artificial intelligence develops at breakneck speed, its impact will touch all sectors and all workers - education included.
  • The best of Bett 2024

    16 Feb 2024
    Imagine the scene…30,000 fully engaged visitors from 129 countries  ready to connect and collaborate, 616 companies showcasing the latest EdTech, more CPD than ever before and 397 speakers lighting up ...
  • The next generation virtual classroom is here

    01 Feb 2024 Mike Lovell, SVP Marketing, Class
    Education is for all. Ensuring an equitable experience for all learners is at the heart of our mission to change the way the world learns. We're thrilled for the opportunity to work with such capable, ...
  • Twin and Intel: A success story born at Bett

    01 Feb 2024 by Asude Altintas Guray CEO & Co-Founder of Twin Science
    For about 15 years I've been writing and speaking about the future of education, including how schools adopt new technology, how they assess learning, and how they think about their job in a changing ...

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