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27 Jan 2021

Discover how we can help your students and teachers to stay safe and continue learning

Discover how we can help your students and teachers to stay safe and continue learning

As the coronavirus pandemic continues, it’s causing uncertainties for everyone. You and your staff are facing unprecedented disruption and working hard to keep your school open and Covid-secure and deliver remote lessons to students studying at home.

We can support you every step of the way; from helping you ensure you’ve Covid-safe classrooms, so staff and students feel confident, to helping you to support all your students whether they're studying at home, in school or you're using a blended learning approach, all while looking after everyone's wellbeing.

We’re here to provide you with everything you need as your school community continues to navigate this journey.

We can help you with:

  1. Seating plan software to help implement social distancing in the classroom
  2. Software to help with implementing a socially distanced timetable and contact tracing 
  3. Interaction history tool to instantly track a specific pupil's interactions with other pupils within the classroom
  4. Timetabling tools to schedule a phased return to school and help you to stagger start, break and lunch times
  5. Teacher-parent-student communication tools
  6. Lesson planning tools to support blended home and in-school learning
  7. Behaviour module to enable teachers to issue points to recognise positive student behaviour
  8. Pupil wellbeing module for teachers to safely and securely communicate any concerns or issues
  9. Staff wellbeing surveys to understand and address the current concerns of your staff
  10. Online training courses to support and develop your staff, including safeguarding and duty of care, infection control, blended and remote learning, assessing pupil progress, and much more

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