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  • Supporting Students' Mental Health During Lockdown

    28 Apr 2020 Written by Charlotte Levene and Joanna Watson from the YoungMinds Training and Development Team. Follow them @YoungMindsUK
    Teaching is an incredibly tough job – and now, it seems that not teaching is also very challenging!  Over the last couple of months the world has changed for all of us.  Schools have closed to the maj ...
  • Top tips for school leaders to develop resilience and mental wellbeing within your staff team

    28 Apr 2020 Written by Kerry Hill from Eyres Monsell Primary School. Follow her @EyresMonsellPri
    1. Create a positive culture The key to a mindful and resilient culture is its prominence and embedding across the whole school. Ensure you reinforce through the school environment, policies and pract ...
  • Supporting SEND Children in the Home

    28 Apr 2020 By Wendy Conrad, Educator and Special School Mental Health Lead for Derby City (@wendymariconrad)
    Children all over the UK are accessing learning portals, the internet, online classes. But for many children whose additional educational needs mean that they are unable to access the world of online ...
  • By Dr Terry McAdams, Director of Technology at Branksome Hall Asia
  • At this difficult time of social distancing and staying at home, it’s essential that we all act to protect our mental health, as well as our physical health. This can be challenging for families that ...
  • Top 10 Tips for School Safeguarding for Remote Learnings

    14 Apr 2020 Emily Konstantas, The Safeguarding Alliance
    It is paramount that children are protected during this pandemic. Not everyone during this crisis will have good intentions and some will see this as an opportunity to exploit those most vulnerable. E ...
  • Taking back the reigns: How to re-engage parents post-lockdown

    12 Apr 2020 Written by Andrew Sharp, Headteacher of Pear Tree Junior School
    Children across the UK have been at home with their parents for almost half of 2020.  How can schools re-engage parents post lockdown?
  • Keeping the Lights On

    03 Apr 2020 Alex Denley, Director of Innovation and Transformation, London South Bank University 
    Now is the moment for IT to be the unsung hero and show that business really can continue as normal in the height of global change. Read Alex Denley's advice
  • COVID-19 Burnout

    03 Apr 2020 Dr Angie Wigford, Dover Court International School, Singapore 
    As COVID-19 impacts people around the world with significant implications on education, Dr Angie Wigford discusses how international school leaders are addressing this and the steps they are taking to ...
  • Safe Remote Learning

    24 Mar 2020 David Wright
    Safe Remote Learning by David Wright, Director – UK Safer Internet Centre, SWGFL 
  • Promoting wellbeing in a time of crisis

    07 Feb 2020 Sarah Griffiths, Caterham School
    In three short months educators here and around the world have adapted massively to protect our children when in school and continued to educate them in the confines of their homes in lockdown. Sarah ...
  • This week’s episode is all about Wellbeing. Released this year, the Teacher Wellbeing Index 2019 highlighted stress and rising mental health issues across the sector. According to the index, 78% of al ...
  • Tom Moore and Andy Ball explain how, with the right tools in place, investing in your staff's CPD can help you to create a learning culture that will support you in remaining compliant, create a great ...
  • It is both clear from the evidence and wholly unsurprising that teacher confidence has taken a hammering over the past couple of years. While educators have coped incredibly well with everything throw ...
  • As teachers prepare their students for another unusual exam season in the UK, many might be wondering what lessons have been learned from the pandemic - particularly with regards to assessment and how ...
  • This session looks at the Children's Code and it’s recognition that children should be given special treatment when it comes to their personal data. Ger Graus and Julia Cooke discuss what that actuall ...

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